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"Drug resistance": Degu vs. Ratte

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Anmeldungsdatum: 08.06.2004
Beiträge: 8494
Wohnort: Schweiz

BeitragVerfasst am: 08.03.2015 22:23    Titel: "Drug resistance": Degu vs. Ratte Antworten mit Zitat


in den 1980er Jahre wurden mehrere Untersuchungen an Degus durchgeführt mit "Betäubungsmittel" (Morphin, Pentobarbital), da festgestellt wurde, dass Degus diese Stoffe im Vergleich zu anderen Nagern besser vertragen. Durchgeführt wurden die Experimente auf der medizinischen Fakultät der Chilenischen Universität (Universidad de Chile) in Santiago.

ist das Haupt-Alkaloid des Opiums und zählt zu den Opiaten. Es ist ein Schmerzmittel, das bei sehr starken Schmerzen verwendet wird.

Ist ein Schlafmittel und wird auch zur Euthanasie von Tieren (Markennamen u.a. Eutha 77, Euthadorm) und Menschen (Hinrichtung in den USA, aktive Sterbehilfe) verwendet.
Wirkstoffklasse: Barbiturate

Hier eine Liste sortiert nach Jahr (ohne Gewähr auf Vollständigkeit):

Paeile, C. Valdes, J. Villanueva, L. (1981): Comparison of the respiratory effects of morphine and effects of other opiates on the egg of rats and Octodon degus. Archivos de Biologia y Medicina Experimentales (Chile) 14(3): 312.


Letelier, M.E. Sánchez, E. del Villar, E. (1984): Enhanced metabolism of morphine in Octodon degus compared to Wistar rats. General Pharmacology: The Vascular System 15(5): 403–406. doi:10.1016/0306-3623(84)90038-7



1. Comparative studies of the actions of morphine in different mammals have shown that Octodon degus presents an unusual tolerance to this compound.

2. Morphine glucuronidation and N-demethylation in microsomal fractions of Octodon degus were 10.9 and 50.0 nmol of product formed/min/g of wet liver, respectively. In Wistar rat these activities were 10.5 and 12.5, respectively.

3. Microsomal protein and cytochrome P-450 contents were two and four times higher in Octodon degus than in the Wistar rat, respectively.

4. These results may explain the high tolerance to morphine presented by Octodon degus.


Paeile, C. Contreras, S. Miranda, H. Villanueva, L. Bustos, E. (1984): Natural resistance to effects of morphine in Octodon degus a south American rodent. Research communications in substance abuse 5(1): 11-22.


Letelier, M.E. Del Villar, E. Sanchez, E. (1985): Drug tolerance and detoxicating enzymes in Octodon degus and Wistar rats. A comparative study. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 80(1): 195–198. doi:10.1016/0742-8413(85)90154-9



1.Octodon degus shows greater tolerance to pentobarbital as compared with the Wistar rat.

2. Mixed function oxidase activities in liver microsomes were higher in Octodon degus than in the Wistar rat. The reactions assayed were: aminopyrine N-demethylation, aniline and naphthalene hydroxylation and p-nitroanisole O-demethylation. These higher activities seem to be due mainly to the greater cytochrome P-450 content of liver microsomes of Octodon degus.

3. Glutathione S-transferase activity towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene was 30 times higher in Octodon degus than in the Wistar rat.

4. These results may explain the tolerance of Octodon degus to pentobarbital and other drugs.


Gonzalez, C. Mario, B. Saavedra, H. Paeile, C. (1986):
Morphine and nefopam dose effect relation study using the algiometric formalin test in rats and Octodon degus. Archivos de Biologia y Medicina Experimentales (Chile) 19(1): R107-R107.


Pelissier, T. Saavedra, H. Bustamante, D. Paeile, C. (1989): Further studies on the understanding of Octodon Degus natural resistance to morphine: A comparative study with the wistar rat. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 92(2): 319–322. doi:10.1016/0742-8413(89)90061-3



1. Octodon degus shows higher levels of tolerance to morphine when compared with the Wistar rat.

2. In the formalin algesiometric test, this caviomorph is more resistant to pain (P < 0.01) and to the analgesic effect of morphine (P < 0.001).

3. cd50 and ld50) were significantly higher in Octodon degus as compared with Wistar rat.

4. Morphine caused in rat severe hypotension, while doses eight times higher in O. degus had a transient effect.

5. 3H-naloxone binding in adrenal glands of O. degus is higher than in other tissue samples assayed from the same animal or rats.


Pelissier, T. Bustamante, D. Saavedra, H. Tampier, L. Vergara, V. Paeile, C. (1989): New differences between the Wistar rat and Octodon degus, a putative laboratory animal resistant to morphine. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 93(2): 359–366. doi:10.1016/0742-8413(89)90248-X



1. The effects of CNS depressants (methadone and alcohol) and natural neurotransmitters (NA and ACh) are studied in O. degus.

2. O. degus shows resistance to methadone in the formalin algesiometric test and EEG.

3. Ethanol elimination profile suggest the presence of an atypical alcohol dehydrogenase in O. degus

4. O. degus is extremely resistant to the pressor effects of noradrenaline

5. The isolated atrium of this rodent is 40 times more sensitive to the negative chronotropic effect of methadone, than the rat atrium.

6. These effects could be explained in terms of an important catecholamine and endorphin co-secretion from adrenal glands in O. degus.


Gaule, C. Vega, P. Sanchez, E. Del Villar, E. (1990): Drug metabolism in Octodon degus: Low inductive effect of phenobarbital. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 96(1): 217–222. doi:10.1016/0742-8413(90)90071-G



1. Differential effects of phenobarbital pre-treatment on liver microsomal drug metabolizing enzymes were registered in Octodon degus.

2. Glucuronidation reaction for morphine was decreased but that for p-nitrophenol was significantly increased.

3. Oxidative reactions such as naphthalene hydroxylation, morphine and aminopyrine N-demethylation were modestly increased.

4. In phenobarbital treated Octodon degus, testosterone metabolic pathways were decreased, not inducible or absent.

5. Spectral studies revealed two binding sites with different affinities for aniline in Octodon degus liver microsomes.

6. The poor phenobarbital induction on drug metabolism in Octodon degus may be a result of deficiency of androgen metabolic pathways associated to drug metabolizing enzymes.

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