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Smith 1929: Tree Crops: A Permanent Agriculture

   Degupedia-Forum » Bibliothek des Wissens » Smith 1929: Tree Crops: A Permanent Agriculture Alle Zeiten sind GMT + 2 Stunden
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Anmeldungsdatum: 08.06.2004
Beiträge: 8494
Wohnort: Schweiz

BeitragVerfasst am: 11.04.2020 15:51    Titel: Smith 1929: Tree Crops: A Permanent Agriculture Antworten mit Zitat

J. Russell Smith (1929): Tree Crops: A Permanent Agriculture. Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York.



Chapter I
The Problem (S. 3)

Chapter II
The Idea (S. 8)

Chapter III
The Plan - an Institute of Mountain Agriculture (S. 20)

Some facts about some crop trees (S. 31)

Chapter IV
Bran Substitutes (Carob, honey locust, mesquite) (S. 33)

Chapter V
Hawaiian Algarrobo, Keawe (Prosopis juliflora) (S. 36)

Chapter VI
Carob (S. 45)

Chapter VII
Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) (S. 62)

Chapter VIII
Mesquites (Prosopis spp.) (S. 69)

Chapter IX
Real Sugar Tree (Honey Locust) (S. 81)

Chapter X
Mulberry (S. 83)

Chapter XI
Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) (S. 94)

Chapter XII
Chestnut (S. 107)

Chapter XIII
Oak (S. 126)

Chapter XIV
Bread & Butter Trees (Oaks) (S. 150)

Chapter XV
Nuts as Human Food (S. 161)

Chapter XVI
Meat & Butter Tree (Juglans regia) (S. 164)

Chapter XVII
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) (S. 181)

Chapter XVIII
Other Walnuts (Juglans spp.) (S. 191)

Chapter XIX
Pecan, King of Hickories (S. 195)

Chapter XX
Other Hickories (Carya spp.) (S. 218)

Chapter XXI
Unexplored Realm (Beechnut, Pistache, Pines, Almond, Apricot nut, Cherry nut, Hazelnuts, Soap nuts, Holly tree, Gingko, Pawpaw, Horse Chestnut, Osage Orange, Sugar Maple, Queensland nut, Wattle, Tung oil, Wild plums, Chokeberries, Sand cherries) (S. 227)

Chapter XXII
Peep at the tropics (S. 243)

Economics, Applications (S. 255)

Chapter XXIII
Tree Crops & Farm Management (S. 257)

Chapter XXIV
Plan or Perish (S. 284)

Appendix A
List of Articles (S. 295)

Appendix B
Bibliography Soil Erosion (S. 296)

Appendix C
Analysis of trends (S. 302)

Appendix D
Food value of fruits (S. 303)

Appendix E
Food value of crops and livestock (S. 305)

Appendix F
How to graft nut trees (S. 306)

Index (S. 319)

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Es preciso conocer el nombre de las plantas para que podamos salutarlas y ellas nos saluden a nosotros. GOETHE

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Anmeldungsdatum: 08.06.2004
Beiträge: 8494
Wohnort: Schweiz

BeitragVerfasst am: 11.04.2020 15:55    Titel: Re: Smith 1929: Tree Crops: A Permanent Agriculture Antworten mit Zitat

Passend zum Buch von Smith:

Molnar & Kahn (2013): Tree Crops, a Permanent Agriculture: Concepts from the Past for a Sustainable Future. Resources 2: 457-488. DOI: 10.3390/resources2040457.

J. Russell Smith (1874–1966), a professor of geography at Columbia University, witnessed the devastation of soil erosion during his extensive travels. He first published his landmark text, Tree Crops, A Permanent Agriculture in 1929, in which he described the value of tree crops for producing food and animal feed on sloping, marginal, and rocky soils as a sustainable alternative to annual crop agriculture less suited to these lands. A cornerstone of his thesis was using wide germplasm collection and plant breeding to improve this largely underutilized and genetically unexploited group of plants to develop locally adapted, high-yielding cultivars for the many climatic zones of North America. Smith proposed an establishment of “Institutes of Mountain Agriculture” to undertake this work. For a variety of reasons, though, his ideas were not implemented to any great degree. However, our growing population’s increasing demands on natural resources and the associated environmental degradation necessitate that Smith’s ideas be revisited. In this review, his concepts, supported by modern scientific understanding and advances, are discussed and expanded upon to emphasize their largely overlooked potential to enhance world food and energy security and environmental sustainability. The discussion leads us to propose that his “institutes” be established worldwide and with an expanded scope of work.

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Es preciso conocer el nombre de las plantas para que podamos salutarlas y ellas nos saluden a nosotros. GOETHE

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