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ILAR: Unusual Rodent Model: Degu

   Degupedia-Forum » Bibliothek des Wissens » ILAR: Unusual Rodent Model: Degu Alle Zeiten sind GMT + 2 Stunden
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Anmeldungsdatum: 08.06.2004
Beiträge: 8494
Wohnort: Schweiz

BeitragVerfasst am: 14.02.2007 00:14    Titel: ILAR: Unusual Rodent Model: Degu Antworten mit Zitat

Lange habe ich schon danach gesucht und nun endlich gefunden, der Artikel von ILAR über ungewöhnliche Labortiere und insbesondere der Abschnitt über Degus:



The Octodon degus, more commonly known as the trumpet-tailed rat or degu, is a hystricomorph rodent in which congenital, hereditary cataracts occur naturally (Worgul and Rothstein 1975; Tripathi and others 1991). In mildly diabetic degus, cataracts form very rapidly with nuclear opacity developing in 10 to 12 days (Varma and others 1977). Spontaneous lesions from one colony, including cataracts, amyloidosis, and hyperplasia of the islets of Langerhans, were associated with diabetes mellitus (Murphy and others 1980). In addition to cataracts and diabetes, the degu has been used as a model to study the effects of chemotoxic agents on ocular tissue (Weinsieder 1975) and the role of the thymus in immune reactions (Boraker 1975).


* Boraker D. 1975. Ontogenic studies of antigen-binding cells in the dual thymus glands of the South American rodent, Octodon degus. Am Zool 15:181-188.
* Murphy JC, Crowell TP, Hewes KM, Fox JG, Shalev M. 1980. Spontaneous lesions in the degu. In: Montali RJ, Migaki G, editors. The Comparative Pathology of Zoo Animals. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. p 437-444.
* Tripathi B J, Tripathi RC, Borisuth N, Dhaliwal R, Dhaliwal D. 1991. Rodent models of congenital and hereditary cataract in man. Lens Eye Tox Res. 8(4):373-413.
* Varma S, Mizuno A, Kinoshita JH. 1977. Diabetic cataracts and flavonoids. Science 195:205-206.
* Weinsieder A, Briggs R, Reddan J, Rothstein H, Wilson D, Harding CV. 1975. Induction of mitosis in ocular tissue by chemotoxic agents. Exp Eye Res 20:33-44.
* Worgul BV, Rothstein H. 1975. Congenital cataracts associated with disorganized meridional rows in a new laboratory animal: The degu (Octodon degus). Biomedicine 23(1):1-4.


Degu-Fütterungstagebuch | Degupedia bei Youtube | Meine Degu-Aussenhaltung (Video)

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